X-Files: I Want To Believe

I belive… that this movie truly stuck to the heart of the series. Well, i got back a few hours ago from the movies but i didn’t feel like posting right away, i needed to let it sink in for a while.
Two hours of X-files = Win. But i’m a true fan so that might be why i liked it. My sister (who’s never seen a single X-files episode on tv) said that she didn’t really like it, as did some others I went with.

Well, critics claimed that it would be a good movie for both hardcore fans and people who were new to the series. I have no clue why they said that, but i believe that it was still a good movie nonetheless. Spoilers ahead.
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Alright, so i’ve been watching the X-files for the past few hours or so and I’ve just realized something. Their hairstyles change like every few episodes. I mean, sure i’d understand a small change as in not combed well or something like that but if you look carefully you can tell that the hair styles sorta switch sides… Like Mulder’s bangs switch sides every four or five episodes. You wouldn’t know unless you seriously focus on the hair (or in my case, extreme boredom). It really only stays for one episode and then they switch back.

Now that we got that random thing outta the way, I’ll go on a little rant about the movie and my insane thoughts and random theories…

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