
Aha!~ Guess what? It’s Isaac. Well, you might know me as Light(alch), SiLight, or Dragon.

Let’s start with, About this Site:
This is a blog I’ve decided to manage in my spare time (am I ever really busy?). Basically I’m going to use this site to review a large variety of things such as: People, events, anime, shows, movies, and many other things. (Yes, I’m a critic at age 15, so sue me.) Anyways, I’m pretty much going to review anything that picks my fancy or anything that you, the reader, may recommend. Ah, i may also post pictures, sketches/designs, stories, excerpts, and other things that I make/think up. I wish to spread my (insane) ideas and interests as well as works, to the world. I wish to start an online empire! (Like that’ll happen >.>)

Moving on; About me:
Yeah, like i said, I’m 15 (at the time of writing this). I’m a male hispanic-american otaku, who has an interest in many many things. Sci-fi, romance, comedy, politics (to an extent), technology (gotta love engadget), anime, freedom of expression, and many other things pick my interest. Actually, i tend to trail off every so often (as i have while writing this) and leave my ideas half done or something like it.
Yeah so, i’m in high school and i’ll end up posting about what happens in school and so most of the time you can ignore the ‘school life’ section unless you really want to know about what i did and what happened. anyways, that’s about all i want to say about myself anything else is really ranting.

Yes, i tend to go into a rant every so often and yeah, usually it does get a bit disorganized, but eh. You know how stuff is. If we understood it all we’d really have no purpose. But, Enjoy this site and tell your friends.

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